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My FAV Marsha Chall picture book

My FAV Marsha Chall picture book. A MUST read.

Feeling less scared today after another day of brilliance from the Hamline MFAC instructors.

Marsha Chall lead a workshop called “Look Who’s Talking: Picture Book POV and Voice” where she asked us to examine the relationship between narrator and character. BOOM Moment: Play around with the intersection of narrator and character. Picture books offer the biggest canvas for experimenting with POV. Interesting.

Swati Avasthi continued to blow my mind in the second installment of her lecture “Leveraging the First Person POV.” The homework for today was to rewrite one of my scenes from my novel in a different POV. I switched from first to third. And third is working so much better. I was able to see things about my main character that I wasn’t seeing from a first person POV. Apparently, two of the strongest reasons for choosing a first person POV is if your main character is unreliable or complicit. THIS IS NEW INFORMATION. BOOM.


I also attended the Common Books discussion where we talked about craft issues in the three books that were assigned for this residency. BOOM Moment: If you are writing a book that switches POV’s a lot, be aware of how much work you are making your reader do to reorient themselves every time there is a switch.

Lately, it been really hard to hang onto all these wonderful things I’ve been learning because I’m taking in more information than I can apply. In other words, I’m not writing nearly as much as I’m learning about writing. Hopefully, I’ll remember all this when I need it.


See you tomorrow!